Choose the Right Wire Packaging for Your Needs
Wire packaging is integral in helping you save production time and reduce waste. The ideal packaging complements your machinery and aligns with your specific application requirements, allowing your production line to run smoothly and ensure your application is adequately supported.
Sunset Wire’s team of wire experts is ready to help you choose the perfect wire packaging.
Contact us to start the conversation.
First-Rate Wire Packaging Available
We offer a variety of wire packaging options to meet your needs. All packaging is made from high-quality materials to ensure the best results. Browse our selection below and get in touch with us to request a quote. Custom packaging is available upon request.
Coiled wire packaging involves wire that’s wound or twisted into a spiral or helical shape. Larger wire quantities are typically packaged in a 16”-30” ID that’s shipped on wire stands. Smaller wire quantities can be shipped as loose coil.
Shaped wire packaging uses wire that’s designed to have specific geometries or profiles that deviate from a circular shape. Sunset Wire offers wire shaped in squares and hexes. You can get shaped wire in 16”-30” ID coils that are packaged on wire stands or in wooden boxes.
Straight and cut wire packaging includes wire that’s cut into uniform lengths, which is essential for applications that require consistent wire sizes. While the majority of our straight and cut wire requests ask for 12-foot wire or less, we can cut up to 20 feet in length. Straight and cut wire is also packaged on wire strands or in wooden boxes.
Spooled wire packaging involves wounding or wrapping wire around a spool or reel. Depending on your needs, you can get a small quarter-pound spool that has a 2” ID, all the way up to a 500-quarter-pound reel. Since spooled wire is pre-measured and wound onto the spool in predetermined lengths, it reduces the need for additional cutting or processing, resulting in less leftover scrap.
Handi-can wire packaging involves a small, 2½” coil wrapped inside a cardboard canister. You can pull the wire from the top center of the can for easy access.
Get Superior Wire Packaging for Any Application
Do you need high-quality wire packaging? We’re here to help. Whether you already know what kind of packaging you need or require assistance with making a selection, trust us to guide you every step of the way. Contact us today to start the conversation.
Wire drawn and delivered to meet your timelines
We draw, grind, cut and package AS9100-certified stainless steel and nickel alloy wire for a wide variety of applications. With available inventory and the ability to meet a wide range of specifications, our lead times are typically 1-2 weeks.
Wire drawn and delivered to meet your timelines
We draw, grind, cut and package AS9100-certified stainless steel and nickel alloy wire for a wide variety of applications. With available inventory and the ability to meet a wide range of specifications, our lead times are typically 1-2 weeks.
Sunset Wire is a domestic wire manufacturer that draws, grinds, cuts and packages AS9100-certified stainless steel and nickel alloy wire for various applications.
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